Wednesday, March 21, 2012

MArch 21, 2012

Happy Wednesday!!!! I'm a little tired this morning!!!! Last evening was the theater- South Pacific was the show, and we got back around 11pm. I pooped!!!!! I enjoyed the performance, and I so love the company; My Mom, Ms Mary, and this time we brought my Gal Pal Carol. The three of us lived together the summer between our freshmen and sophmore year....yeah I know what was one summer? But it was our first real time living on our own not on a college campus. It seems to me that summer last forever, I had my first real job, I was madly in love, and we were living FREE from parental rules. I was 20 and wow did I think I had it all. That summer Ms. Mary meet her hubby, Carol kept us laughing, and I learned that life will forever throw curve balls. I don't dare to go into details, but that was the last summer I think I ever felt like ME, I mean really me. I got some life changing information that summer and had to make some very difficult choices for myself, to this day I don't know if that choice was for the best and I will never know.... Dr. Phil talks about pivital points in your life and I'd have to say that was one. I don't know what exactally how it happened, but after that summer my life took a detor that changed so much of how I viewed life and myself forever. Of course I survived after all that was 22 years ago. It's interesting that I just thought about it now. I no longer have that great job, and I don't even see that "love of my life" any longer, (of course the love of my life now is Hubby) but I still have those two girls. That choice could have made such a difference in where my life is today. Wow!!! Butterfly Effect!!!! I dont' know where that came from. Have you ever just thought about moments, people, events in your life and think about if that did or didn't happen just how very different your life would be today? Ms. mary would have never meet her husband of 20+ years if we hadn't had or summer home. I would have never met Mary if I hadn't gone to summer college and met her roomie Mindy, who would have never meet her hubby if our paths didn't cross because I introduced the two of them....I would have never met the father of my children if I wasn't working that awsome job and the love of my life hadn't broke my heart the fall of that same year. I wouldn't have returned to college if I hadn't spent one weekend at the love of my lifes campus as friends. And if the father of my children wasn't such a messed up idiot, I would have never sought out a career in substance abuse (to help fix him of course), stopped my own love affair with drugs and alcohol and obtained a position working with the man I am married to today as he was doing his residency. WOW!!!! That just creeped me out! Chills Chills!!!!! Okay differnt thoughts; I have officially stepped on the scales after a three day stay away and Glory day I have NOT gained!!!!! In fact I have loss TWO more pounds. Thats a total of 12 pounds since I started....and I thought I really messed this weekend up! Now as I ponder the super natural forces from above....I guess I had better do it while getting ready for work. I had some revulations about my future yesterday that I will speak about in detail at tomorrows blog! TTFN- may you allow your life to flow as HE see's fit!

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