Still nothing happening here. I've been pretty busy with other things this week. Can't wait for my CTMH order to arrive...and I AM GOING TO STOP and get ADHESIVE today no matter what.
There has been no savings since my last post. I have been obsessing about finances for the vacation so I am trying not to spend money. However, I did go to the Greek Fest last night and spent a ton of money on GREEK food. Hey, it only happens once a year and NO they do not offer coupons. I have a few great deals that I plan to use on Sunday, only a few items but hey. I also have my vacation menu done and think that with my meal planning at least eating during that week will be on the cheep. I also printed off as many activity coupons for the area as I could. $.50 is $.50 off ya know.
I did make it to the store. Paid $1.45 for all this and got some coupons adding up to $5.00 on my next purchase of crackers and meats.
Once again, there is nothing to tell here. I can comment on some stuff that isn's about me. My hubby the skeptic, was informed by a friend who visited a medium that his deceased father had a message for him. I thought it was really neat and actually inspiring. My hubby thought it was pretty creepy and now he's depressed. I wish he would believe in something outside of this realm regardless to what that might be. He might be a happier person with some FAITH in his life.
Things have been busy to say the least. Dinner with mom on Monday, Tuesday after plans to attend my eldest senior picnic (which was canceled) I finally got my barrings and enjoyed an evening with some girlfriends at a Patylite Party. I WON two freebee's and was awarded a $50- gift certificate for my efforts on my previous party, even though I was about $20- short of the hostess freebee's. How nice of the consultant and before that I was pissed. Anyways it was a fun evening and we all might just keep attending parties as an excuse to get together. Wednesday with work done and all intentions of attending my eldest awards ceremony....the bubble popped. I call my son...."do you want me to pick you up?" Him "why" me "for the awards ceremony" "that's not tonight" " Are you sure" "yes!" Okay off the phone quick to call mom who is surly on her way to the ceremony. Can't reach her, SURE my son is wrong I go on a mad dash to find the information. Find it!!!! YES it is tonight and about to start in like 10 minutes and it is not where I thought it was or where my mom is going. Call back son, "It is tonight are you ready to go".......long long pause, "No" Call mom again, no answer. Send hubby to where we thought the ceremony was to tell mom. Wait wait wait. Hubby calls, no mom! Call my mom's finally an answer. She went to two different places and finally gave up.Gee's! Called eldest and said you had better call grandma and apologize. Disapointed that my son doesn't even want to recieve his adwards, but he has always kind of been that kid. So we missed awards, no senior picnic. He is soooo nontraditional. He didn't go to the proms, didn't do senior pictures. Why would I think he would have anything to do with the rest of the SENIOR traditions. I asked before we hung up......ARE WE GONNA GET TO SEE YOU WALK THE STAGE or are you NOT going to that too? "I'll do that" he says. Thats next week, I guess we will see. Last night was the Greek Fest. A yearly tradition that began when I was just a kid. I'm not Greek, but my bestie growing up is, and we would go with her family every year. Of course things were different then, we were young. I still have fun, but it was never as fun as when we were little girls trying to do the dances, oodling over the hot boy dancers, eating the honey balls. She has since moved to Florida, still wish we could carry on the tradition together.
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