Thursday, June 2, 2011


I am welcoming myself back to life!!! Some of you have had the fortune of never making a poor decision, letting yourself get out of control, or royally BLEEPING up!!!! But for those of you who may have a bit of sympathy for me. YES!!!! I have spent the last year of my life feeling STUCK in an abusive, self dystructive sprial of poor pathetic me. It started with getting laid off about two years ago....and progressivly got worse. The Titanic of the whole ordeal was staying in a JOB that simply reinforced all of those derogatory messages that some may have spent years in therapy to rid. So after several months....and my husband will claim from the start....I have finally taken a leap of faith and the full support of my loved ones because I NEED everyones reinforced "this is the right thing to do". I have quit. Voluntarily JOBLESS!!!!! A totally new concept for me. A REALLY Scary venture. But as I start into day #2 I am ready to take on possibly the most difficult job I have ever had. The job of living my life!!!! Stay tuned for the job description. For the first time in a long time......I just cannot wait to see what the day will bring!!!! BRING IT ON!!!!!!

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